The PCBU (Employer/Contractor) shall have its own employee and project/site-specific induction. The induction shall at least describe the PCBU’s HS&E policies, HS&E Management Plan requirements, objectives, targets, relevant hazards, and risk management processes applicable to the work or work environment.
In addition to the Employer/Contractor own staff training and inductions, all PCBUs shall attend/complete the following:
- ARTC Inductions
- Other nominated Rail Infrastructure Managers (RIM) inductions and requirements.
- Martinus RCP General Project.
- Site specific inductions; and
- Departmental/area inductions.
The Employer/Contractor shall ensure competency profiles incorporating HS&E related training, competencies, formal qualifications, prescribed licences shall be identified and documented for all positions and be periodically reviewed. The Employer/Contractor shall ensure pre-mobilisation verification of competency for all employees (including trade competencies, certificates, and licenses to perform regulated activities and plant operation); and will ensure that all personnel are competent to conduct tasks assigned to them under the Contract or terms of Contract.
The PCBU (Employer/Contractor), must ensure, that its workers:
- Are competent to carry out work assigned
- Are assessed for competence for equipment to be operated or used
- They undertake a medical assessment
- Maintain records of competence/qualifications are maintained
- Carries identification that enables their competency and training to be checked
Health and Safety training records shall be maintained and available to Martinus.
The PCBU (Employer/Contractor) shall ensure the following:
- A process to track expiry dates on staff training and certification is implemented (access to sites may be withdrawn if these dates are exceeded).
- A process for mentoring new/inexperienced employees is implemented.
- Positions equivalent to supervisor or above shall hold recognised supervisory competencies.
- A behavioural-based safety program or similar is implemented, as a minimum, this program shall contain in-field interactions or equivalent, in line with the Martinus Health and Safety project expectations and standards.
- Personnel appointed to statutory roles are demonstrably trained and deemed competent.
Each PCBU (Employer/Contractor) shall ensure that a visitor or short-term worker undertakes all Martinus requirements prior to accessing the project or site.
To view the complete Onboarding Role Essentials and Requirements please download the following PDF:
MR-RCP-WP-007 - Onboarding Roles Essentials_20221107
To view the complete Training and Competency Requirements please download the following PDF:
MR-RCP-WP-006 - Training and Competency Requirements_20221107
To view the complete Health Questionnaire and Declaration please download the following Word Doc:
MR-RCP-WF-078 Health Questionnaire and Declaration
To view the complete Health Management Plan please download the following Word Doc:
MR-RCP-WF-077 Health Management Plan